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Discover What Guyer Brothers in New Enterprise, PA, Can Do For You

Guyer Brothers in New Enterprise, PA, can handle any and all of your excavation contractor needs, including jack and bore drilling, directional drilling, and water line and sewer line installation, replacement and repair. We employ modern equipment to efficiently handle each project, and we use Thermoform PVC Liners and the EZ Valve System in our water line and sewer line work for effective results. We have been providing Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia with outstanding service since 1999. Contact us today at (814) 766-3774 to see what we can do for you, too.

Guyer Brothers, Inc. is your excavation, drilling, tunneling, and water line and sewer line installation, replacement, and repair expert.

Penns Valley Area School District Sewer

Location: Penns Valley, Centre County, PA
Contact: Dan Beyer
Phone: (814) 944-5035
Project Description: 675′ of 6″ Thermoform PVC Liner + 530′ of 8″ Thermoform PVC Liner

Area IV Sanitary Sewer and Water Project

Location: Bedford County, PA
Owner: Bedford Township Municipal Authority
Engineer Stiffler McGraw and Associates
Contact: Scott McEldowney
Phone: (814) 696-6280
Project Description: Installation of approx.. 20,700 LF of 10″, 8″, 6″, 4″ and 2″ ductile iron water mater main and approx.. 9,000 LF of 2″ and 740 LF of 8″ gravity sewer main, 8,125 LF of 4″ force main.
Contract Amount: $3,308,834.50
Start Date: November 2017

Sanitary Sewer Improvements Lick Run Sewershed Wet Weather Flow Strategy

Location: Baldwin, PA
Owner: Borough of Baldwin
Engineer: Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
Contact: Jason Stanton
Phone: (412) 264-4400
Project Description: Replacement of approx. 8,500 linear feet of existing gravity sewer with larger diameter sewer (10 inch through 24 inch), manholes, reconnection of all building service sewers
Contract Amount: $2,434,792.25
Start Date: August 2016
Project Copletion: January 2017

Spring Run Interceptor Replacement

Location: Cumberland County, PA
Owner: Upper Allen Township
Engineer: GHD
Contact: Melissa Smith
Phone: (717) 541-0622
Project Description: Replacement of approx. 3,500 linear feet of existing and new sewer.
Contract Amount: $642,046.45
Start Date: August 2016
Project Completion: December 2016

Fayetteville Interceptor Upgrade

Location: Franklin County, PA
Owner: Greene Township Municipal Authority
Engineer: Gannett Fleming
Contact: Brian Kauffman
Phone: (717) 763-7211
Project Description: Replacement of approx. 14,500 linear feet of existing main interceptor with a new 24 inch sanitary sewer interceptor including manholes, site restoration, stream crossings and state highway crossing.
Contract Amount: $2,529,359.90
Start Date: May 2017
Project Completion: December 2017

Town of Thurmont Sewer System I&I Reduction Project - Phase III

Location: Thurmont, MD
Owner: Town of Thurmont
Engineer: Passaro Engineering, LLC
Contact: Stacy Passaro
Phone: (301) 829-5163
Project Description: Approx. 5,900 LF of 6″ – 16″ sewer replacement. Along with paving and concrete restoration and included stream restoration.
Contract Amount: $2,177,681.00
Start Date: July 2015
Project Completion: October 2016

Bush Creek Interceptor

Location: Frederick, MD
Owner: Board of County Commissioners of Frederick County Maryland
Engineer: Frederick County Division of Utilities and Solid Waste Management
Contact: Mark Williams
Phone: (301) 600-9000
Project Description: Installation of approx. 1,700 LF of 18″ ductile iron pipe, 7 manholes and tunneling of 94 LF of 30″ steel casing.
Contract Amount: $787,333.00
Start Date: February 2015
Project Completion: March 2015

Repair Sanitary Sewer Sytem

Location: Johnstown, Cambria County, PA – Hiram G. Andrews Center
Owner: Department of general Services
Engineer: KCI Technologies
Contact: Curtis Miller
Phone: (412) 855-7183
Project Description: Replacement of 6″ clay sanitary sewer pipe with 6″ PVC pipe, some sanitary sewer manhole repair, new precast manhole installation, and the lining of some sanitary sewer system segments.
Contract Amount: $1,455,853.50
Start Date: April 2016
Project Completion: August 2016

Carbon Area Sanitary Sewer Extension

Location: Greensburg, PA
Owner: Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County
Engineer: Gibson-Thomas Engineering
Contact: Diane Dominick
Phone: (724) 539-8562
Project Description: Installing approx. 8,650 LF of *” sewer.
Contract Amount: $899,436.00
Start Date: April 2019
Completion Date: August 2019

Houck Manor Sanitary Sewer Extension Project

Location: West Hanover Township, PA
Owner: West Hanover Township Water and Sewer Authority
Engineer: HRG
Contact: Justin Bates
Phone: (717) 564-1121
Project Description: Installation of approx. 6,500 LF of low pressure sewer main piping within the Houck Manor Subdivision.
Contact Amount: $552,250.00
Start Date: July 2019
Completion Date:

2019 Waterline Replacement Project

Location: Bedford Borough, PA
Owner: Municipal Authority of the Borough of Bedford
Engineer: Stiffler, McGraw and Associates
Contact: Timothy Cooper
Phone: (814) 696-6280
Project Description: Approx. 3,790 LF of water main, valves, services hydrants along with the necessary appurtenances.
Contract Amount: $624,038.00
Start Date: April 2019
Completion Date: August 2019

Forcemain Relocation

Location: Swatara Township and Jonestown Borough, Lebanon County, PA
Owner: Northern Lebanon County Authority
Engineer: KPI Technology
Contact: Craig Zack
Phone: (717) 339-0612
Project Description: The work includes trenching and installation of approx. 1,350 LF of 6″ ductile iron sanitary sewer force main, including all fittings, valves and appurtenances.
Contract Amount: $199,856.00
Start Date: February 2019
Completion Date: August 2019

Old Bedford Village Pump Station Replacement Project

Location: Bedford, PA
Owner: Bedford Township Municpal Authority
Engineer: Stiffler, McGraw and Associates
Contact: Brian Shura
Phone: (814) 696-6280
Project Description: Major work involves the demolition of the. existing pump station and valve manhole, the construction of a 10′ x 10′ precast concrete wet well to house two new submersible pumps and aeration equipment, and the. construction of 12′ x 8′ precast concrete valve/meter vault to house a flow meter, various valve work and the. necessary piping.
Contract Amount: $534,403.00
Start Date: June 2019
Completion Date: